Ray's teammate, Ryan, had his mom in town for a week. They are from Seattle, so it was fun to share time with another fellow Pacific Northwesterner. Since the boys were so busy with basketball, she and I were able to get out and see a bit of the town. On Thursday, we visited Fushimi Inari shrine.
These are thousands of folded paper cranes stacked up on each other. The chains represent good luck for the new year.
"Inari" is the shinto god of rice, and foxes are thought to be his messengers. There are fox statues throughout the shrine.

At nearly every shrine, there are natural springs at the entrance, said to be pure and purifying. You can see the devote washing their hands before entering.

Fushimi Inari is most famous for its thousands of "torii gates" stacked next to each other. Each torii is donated by a family or individual. This is Pat and I at the beginning of the long, snaking series of toriis that stretch over an entire mountainside.

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