The past week in Shiga has delightfully given us days full of bright sun, accompanied by fat snow flakes. I love the combo of sun and snow, as much as it confuses me where the snow comes from (no clouds!!). Out of our fourth floor apartment we watch the big flakes come down and swirl in the breeze. It makes us feel like we're in a snow globe...
We love the hawks here. They are everywhere, and so surreal to watch fly, their tail feathers acting like rudders to their ships.

Before leaving Oregon, Ray bought me two packages of sugar snap pea seeds (to represent our little peas in the belly). I planted them when we first arrived, but have kept them inside in front of the window, like a little green house. I love my little garden!!! Maybe by the time our little peas in the belly arrive, we will be eating our sugar snap peas!

I think I know that view from the back of the apartment!!!
I miss you two dearly! It is so good to see that you are doing well and enjoying various hobbies! I am going to wait to send you that package until you return to the U.S. so that you don't have to pack it back with you.
Your belly is huge Sarah! It's amazing how quickly the last 30 weeks have gone by, it seems so recently that you became pregnant! I look forward to meeting your two little peas and to see you two when you return!
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