Wednesday, February 3, 2010

29 WEEKS!!!

The countdown has begun- I am actually 30 weeks as of tomorrow, but didn't post a 29 week photo, so wanted to do that before the week was officially over...

These babies are growing so fast now that the lethargia has now set in. I am more tired, more sloth-like around the house, and I'm okay with that, giving myself more grace with the extra naps and tendency to want Ray to do the cooking (which he does ever so joyfully!!). Our peas are becoming stronger too, and have moved up into my ribs. I feel a constant prodding and pushing up under my ribs, at times taking my breath away. You can see hands and feet all over. I like to find a little foot and push against it, feeling he or she pushing back. So surreal. What a miracle!!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Oh how I miss you guys!!! I can't believe that you're already 30 WEEKS!! WOW!! Those babes are gonna be here before you know it, and then you'll be back in Portland hanging out with me, Oliver, Michelle, Heron, and their little one to be! Oh I can't wait. This summer will be one of the best I can see it already!

Well I love you guys so so much!
We'll skype soon :)