Friday, February 26, 2010

a play date...

Last week my friend Michelle invited me, along with her daughter Eri, to a local play area. When I walked in, I was immediately impressed.

This is little Eri. She is an amazing little girl...

The entire play area is eco-friendly. Aside from being entirely funded by the government (which is unusual in itself here in Japan), all of the toys are made of wood- you will not find any plastics. The place is spotlessly clean and educational and smells of sweetly cut timber!

Even the ball pits are plastic free! All of these balls are made of wood!

We ate lunch here and Michelle mentioned that if you bring your lunch, it must be homemade and healthy- not fast food, to promote health. On top of that, the center offers classes of all sorts that are free to the public. Not once while I was there did I see any kids fighting or acting aggressive. This facility knocked my socks off!! If only I could find something like this comparable in the States!!


AIR said...

What an amazing place for kids. I'm oh, so jealous! :)

amy and Benjamin said...

I wish we had something like that in Salem! Neli would love that!