A dear friend came over today. Though we met last year, she is a God-send to me this year. Her husband plays on a neighboring basketball team in Osaka, which makes the train ride relatively close. Her name is Dana, and she is studying to be a midwife, has three kids of her own, and is a wealth of resources about Japan and pregnancy. This is matched with an uncanny ability to take beautiful photographs. I feel overwhelmingly grateful that she would come to spend the day with me, to capture my 34th week of pregnancy...

And the unveiling: We have "officially" named our little peas.
Solomon (Sol) Levi : meaning "peaceful". He was also a man of wisdom and Godliness in the bible. Sol means sunshine in Spanish, and this is what we think of our little boy already...
Sophia (Sophie) Lee : meaning "wise". We hadn't intended for our little ones to carry the same initials, but the names were thought of and they have stuck. Both of them will take Ray's and my middle names which have been passed down- mine from my great grandmother.

We think they may be here soon... we are SO excited!!
Ray and Sarah -
I am so pleased you took such care and thoughtfulness in the names - I think both are wonderful. After our post Christmas brunch, when we shared how we were named, I know all of us were looking forward to learning your choices. LALL
What beautiful names...
Dana did a fantastic job with this photos! And you look fantastic! angie y
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