Wow- what can I say? Ray came away from playing the Saitama Broncos (2nd in the league), utterly showing what we knew was within him the whole time: 27 points, 9 rebounds, a big one hand dunk (sorry- I didnt get it on film!!), great assists and free throws... AND, he got player of the game again, this time walking away with a brand new pink heater as a gift:)
Can't wait for the game tomorrow. Will post again then...
This man is truly amazing. He speaks good english and has become a good friend of Ray's. Today he told Ray, "You are the only professional athlete who has ever acknowledged me." That is probably the highest compliment Ray can hear. Ray initially approached this man before a game at the beginning of the season to simply say hello, shake his hand. It's a reminder how much a simple gesture can mean to someone.... Ray says that its a daily reminder of how grateful he is that God gave him the body and abilities He did. What a gift.