Sunday, September 21, 2008

Feels like home again...

Rice harvest season has come upon us, here in Japan, and with it comes the month-long celebratory festival that is Yamauto.  My rice farmer friend Mako, invited Ray and I out for an afternoon of dancing, dreadlocks, organic food and a bit of home.  He picked us up from the train station and drove us nearly 1.5 hours up into the mountains.  Finally out of the city!  

Rice, ready for harvest...

An old rice barn... notice the beautiful thatched roof...

Burrito anyone??
Dancing and music...
Thai curry anyone?  Many of these "vendors" set up camp for the whole month of festival.  Some get very creative, with elaborate teepees, dome structures, tents....

This is about as cute as you can get!...


Anonymous said...

How was Ray's trip to Korea? Sounds like you guys are doing a wide variety of stuff over there! That's so exciting!!! I'm so excited for you guys!

Grace Persson said...

Aw I loooove this photo of the rice barn. I would love to print this up and put it into my living room! I enjoy reading all of these stories and seeing the adventures you guys are going through :)