With Ray's days off, we finally got the opportunity to put some packs on our backs and head into the mountains to a trail I've been wanting to hit since we've been here. "Yatsubushi-no-taki" is a steep, rugged trail complicated by rope ladders and chains, that leads you through one of the most incredible series of waterfalls I have ever seen. We enjoyed our own personal paradise, camping right on the sandy bar of a turquoise swimming pool. What a treat... this was a trip we are bound to repeat!

This looks AWESOME!! It looks like some sort of crazy lost paradise. Nice work at rocking the backpacker chick look, you look hot!!! Oh, and Ray too! Thanks for sharing. Loves!!
This looks absolutly breath taking. I'm jealous! Looks like Sarah's pack is a little bit fuller than your's Ray. What's up with that? I just might have to do a little pan handling to get the funds for Japan! Love ya....
I don't know if you guys heard, but the Alaska govenor, also a Wasilla High School alum is the GOP VP nominee. Thought Ray would get really excited about the news. It's been fun absorbing all the media attention Alaska has been getting. Wish you guys were here...3 more weeks and I'm heading back to Boston. loves!
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