Sunday, January 4, 2009

Really? 2009!!!

Can it really be the 9th year of the 2000th year after Christ's birth.  Whoa.  Can't really believe it.

Though Ray and I didn't make it awake to see the clock strike midnight (can you say "old, borrring couple!!")... we had a really nice time at a New Years Eve gathering with his teammates.  Check out the fun!

Ray WON BINGO!!!  We tried to tell him it was beginners luck (this was his FIRST time playing bingo!!), but he said its the 'stash...

Me and the "wives".  I have fallen in love with little Minari, the baby I'm holding...

Lot's of raw stuff...


Cute picture.  Scary 'stash...

27th floor, overlooking lake Biwa...

Not so sure about Ray's 2009 look...


Mike said...

you guys sure look natural and relaxed holding that BABY!...uh oh...

Brian said...

Definitely the 'stash. Facial hair often holds magical properties which increase your skill and luck. Good job Ray!