Monday, January 5, 2009

Been there, done that...

It's like a little dream come true, finally being able to see and touch the HUGE wind tower that looms at the far side of the lake from us.  Some days Ray will perch on the lake's edge, eyes set on the distant tower, and count how many time it rotates- "Wow, it's really cookin' today," he'd say...

Well, with the access of a car (with Bob and Sanae), we drove to see the wind tower, and made our big boy's dream a reality.  It was pretty cool to see.  The tower alone cost 3 million, but it provides electricity for an entire community.  Ray and I would like to work towards doing something like this (but on a MUCH smaller scale) for our own house someday.  It just makes sense.

1 comment:

Rosalind Reichner said...

Mike and I have seen to many of these wonderous towers driving through Tehapachi (sp?). Just amazing and wonderful. We need so many more all around the world