Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bucket Babies...

In sincere apologies to my loyal readers, I have taken quite a hiatus. Now settled in to our cute little house in Eugene, I can attempt to frequent the local coffee shop for some convenient internet and continue to make some blog posts from time to time.
It's been one of those whirlwind months- a hurricane of decisions to NOT go abroad this year, pursue starting a full-time business, moving to Eugene, and other responsibilities. On top of that, its been a season of learning and growing on every account. The day we moved to Eugene, Ray's locked bike was stolen, two of our ceramics from Japan were broken, and my dear camera was broken as well. It was so incredible to see how Ray dealt with his bike, with such grace and acceptance, recognizing it was just a "thing", however disappointed he was. I wanted to cry inside about the ceramics and camera, but a sense of acceptance also overcame me. That things are replaceable. A good lesson learned.
And yesterday, a box arrived on our doorstep. Inside there lay a camera 10x better than the one I previously owned. A not-so-small gift of love from a friend. Gratitude poured from my heart.

Ahhh, this new season is good. Every day is all in how I choose to see it. Whatever happens, despite circumstances, I choose to learn, grow and be joyful.

And I can't help it with with these three:

1 comment:

Judy said...

Oh my word are they cute -- all 3 of them! Thanks for blogging again, sweet Sarah, I've missed your voice and the picts. I honor your and Ray's practice of 'radical acceptance'. I'm sorry for the losses; too, I see how rich your spirit is, always. So much love to you!