Monday, October 31, 2011

Art expression...

While unpacking one of many boxes, I came across an old tin of crayons that I loved when I was young. I put Sol and Soph on the wood floor and let them at the colorful objects. It was incredible how focused and determined they were... and I was amazed that they kept the color to the paper and not anything else!

That was until Sol discovered that he could neatly stow away his crayons in his shirt...

And apparently they make great cotton swabs!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Oh goodness, do you know how much delight you bring into my days? Honestly, your blog should be rated #1 for fostering peace in the world... for how could anyone do anything but laugh and love, seeing your children?! YES I must get down to see you. Soon, I promise. I love you so so much. ~J.