Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Very Happy 13 Months...

Our little ones rolled into their 13th month with ease today. They continue to delight our days and give so much purpose to life.

Little Man: On April 17th, Sol took his first big steps. He's been standing for a while now, gaining more confidence by the day. He certainly loves to be on the move and we know that walking will open up the world to him. He's not shy at all, loves being held by anyone, and loves to make people laugh. Today at the waterfront he loved chasing the dogs, completely unafraid (though the sound of the vacuum will send him squealing to be held!!). He's a very clever little guy- he is keen to pick up on everything we do, from the sounds we make, to the drawers we open and close- he's sure to mimic them all. He is very good at focusing on one task at a time, particularly if it involves a stick, buttons or water. He's quite the sensitive little guy, responding incredibly well to the tone in our voice if we don't want him doing something. He's still all about snuggling and cuddling on my chest. At night he lays down on his belly waiting for a back rub. He LOVES music and always starts dancing when he hears any sort of rhythm. We weighed him last night, and he has officially caught up to his sister!! He weighs 10.8 kilos, or ~23 pounds!!! He now has 7 teeth and eats everything (he LOVES spicy curry!!).

Dearest Sophie Girl: She's still quite content crawling or sitting (lounging, as we say), but can stand up and walk along the wall or bed. She loves to bop and dance on her sturdy legs, and will get into giggle fits that completely crack us up. She's very easy to hold, and regularly gets passed around from person to person when we are in public so that they can google at her blue eyes and blond wisps. This week she broke through an eye tooth and her first molar -(I can't believe how early she's getting teeth!!)- so now the tally is 10 big teeth in her mouth, with 2 more molars poking through soon. She still puts everything- and I mean everything- in her mouth which has made me sort of reconsider what I think is clean. It's amazing what that girl can find on the floor. She loves to wave "hi" and "bye" to everyone, and seems to know both of those commands in Japanese too! At the weigh in she and her brother shocked us both by weighing in at the same weight (10.8 kilos!!).... but I still think Sophie looks bigger... maybe taller??

1 comment:

MIchelle said...

HI Sarah! I love reading your blog especially since our babies are so close in age! I am always cracking up at what you write b.c. Preston is doing exactly the same thing. Today it was the "everything in the mouth" with Ms. Sophie. P is exactly the same way. It is fine most of the time. Every once in a while I start to get a little grossed out. Take care! Tell Ray Hi! MIchelle