Friday, April 22, 2011

Ray the Builder... and other garden adventures...

Ray foraged up some bamboo to begin building Ken a small greenhouse on the "hatake", or field...

Both of us have fallen increasingly in love with this 'weed'. It's incredible that bamboo is really a grass, grows extremely easily, and is so strong and versatile. It's a shame that we have not begun using this reliable resource in the States to a greater degree. Hopefully it will catch on!

Little Soph hangin' out with Ken while Little Bro snoozes...

This is Ms. Sophia's Shrek impression...

She LOVES broccoli!

This year we didn't take advantage of the cherry blossom season, and I sort of have my regrets. Last year, the babes were being shuttled in and out of the hospital during this time, so we never captured their little portraits in front of a blooming sakura tree. And this year... well... I just never made it happen. These gorgeous peach blossoms were enjoyed by all at the garden...

...and a few sakura to boot!

Little Soph, examining her huge daikon radish, which we later ate for dinner that night!

These two kept busy for at least an hour or two, playing in the water box. They kept putting things in, and taking them out, and of course splashing with sticks!

The worms at the garden are among the largest I've ever seen. I didn't get a photo of one we saw the other day, but literally it was the circumference of a dime and nearly a half a foot long! This is some healthy soil!

Sophie met a new friend. She pet him very gently... but then wanted to eat him, so we let Mr. Hoppity hop away...

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