Monday, July 14, 2008


Ray finally has a TEAM!  There are a total of 10 players here, with a possible two more arriving within the next month.  Again, the season doesn't begin until October, so until then the athletes are spending their time practicing, lifting and promoting the team.
Last Friday night, the Shiga Lake Stars invited the public to an open practice.  So many people showed up that every seat was taken!  It was so cool to see Ray enjoying the game, and truly bonding with his teammates.  And more than anything, Ray is really, really good!!  The greatest blessing has been to see Ray finally come back to excelling in what he does best.  I am very eager to get the season on the way!


Anonymous said...

How fun being able to watch them practice! Thank you for sharing. Love, aunt Laurie

kjtownley said...

Does Ray's team speak in Japanese, English or both? Is he learning basketball lingo in Japanese? Just curious : )
Katie Townley