So better late than never, right??
Christmas Eve Ray was able to get off work, and his brother Luke came down to Eugene to visit for a day and enjoy the drive up to Portland with us. It was a treat to spend just a little extra time with Luke, as we rarely get to see him...
Christmas morning we woke and enjoyed Grandpa's traditional Huevos Rancheros for breakfast...

...then off the guys set out to do some target practice (they let me tag along:))...

Later that afternoon we went over to Grandma's house for our first annual Mexican themed Christmas dinner!! We had so much fun, and the food was delicious!

The Harris family attempts a family photo- cute!
After Grandma's house, we returned back to Big Foot City (Ray's folks house) to have a quiet celebration there. We stayed up admiring gifts and talking... and the kiddos fell asleep in our arms...
The next morning, per tradition, Aunt Laurie had all of the "cousins" over to her house for a brunch. We ALWAYS look forward to sharing this time with her, and ALWAYS leave very full!!

1 comment:
Yes, better late than never! We always love looking at pictures of and reading about your sweet family. Thanks for sharing. We love you all!
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