Friday, October 29, 2010

Eugene Punkin' Patch Reunion!

It sure feels good to be back with this crew again!

Our Eugene "family" got together a couple weeks ago for a day out at Detering Orchard. SO wonderful! We played with pumpkins, ate fresh apple cobbler, watched the kids play with sticks, and picked nearly 5 boxes of the most amazing apples!! Afterwards we went back to the Derby's and had a good 'ol fashion family dinner... I sure do miss that...

(Tony sure looks good with a baby on, eh?)

A long day and little Ms. was tuckered out...

Ray found this amazing pumpkin design in a magazine and he was able to nearly perfectly replicate it. He's SO good at things like that. Happy Harvest to all!!

1 comment:

elle + josh said...

What a gorgeous pumpkin, Ray!