It just seems to get better. These little ones are developing the most delightful little personalities. And as we get to know them better, we have begun to predict their needs better. These little guys are easy- as long as they're fed and rested, they are simply pure FUN!
Sophie just broke two little teeth through last week. It happened overnight, though we knew it was possible for weeks. She's a happy little gem, as long as she doesn't bite her own finger!!
Sol, still gummy as ever, is consistently laid back, smiley, and full of personality. Sometimes we think he knows more than we do, or gets the joke before us. He loves to be tickled and held and will seriously reach for anything.
They're now eating us out of the house. Yes, I still breastfeed all day, but we've experimented will all sorts of foods and they seem to like everything! We've even been trying the family soup, stocked with garlic, herbs and spices, and both babes seems to be begging for more! I like that!
The best part of all, both Sol and Sophie are finally at the stage where they notice and enjoy one another. If we leave them on the floor and back up to watch, they will be laughing and giggling at one another before we know it! This is SO rewarding...

PURE love...