Ray was away for the weekend, and I was once again in the hospital. I went in for a routine check-up, and they kept me for three days to monitor my uterus. Needless to say, I am HEALTHY as can be now, with no worries to our friends and family back home, but I was SO happy to get out of that hospital on Monday and have Ray home. We decided to take a trip up the lake to our favorite beach and enjoy the weather. I can't tell you the appreciation I have for an incredible husband, two beautiful babies, and the ability I have to go outside and drink in Creation...
The rice fields are being prepared for planting. It is an impressive undertaking, and I am always impressed with the hard work of the farmers in this country. The rice fields mark the seasons here, and now that we can see the new shoots of green rising from the water, we know that Spring has truly begun...

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