Where to start?
I have so much to share, with many fun adventures to aptly describe. Firstly, I had the opportunity to head out to a garden with some people from the church we have been attending. Ray, sadly, could not go because he had practice. HaeHo, the woman who picked me up and drove me out to the garden, explained to me that the church has this small garden to help grow food for its members and for local charities... and today we were going to invite a home of foster kids out to pull potatoes! My kind of gig! Despite the rain, we had a wonderful time of getting dirty and getting to know one another. The kids had a blast looking for the largest potato and scavenging for many cool creatures, including this turtle that had buried itself under the mud with the potatoes! Best of all, they sent me home with a bag of fresh taters that we ate in a delicious scramble this morning!!
Speaking of church, Ray and I were able to attend the service this past Sunday where they gave us an earpiece to have the message interpreted (by HaeHo!). The message and worship was a sweet treat. Afterwards, we met a fantastic young couple who spoke perfect English (they met in Australia!), who we see becoming good friends with. Also, to my utter delight, I met a girl named Miyumi who loved to rock climb! She said it is very difficult to find other ladies to climb with and she'd really like to take me to a local gym! WOW- thank you God!!
Saturday after the garden, Ray and I headed out to dinner with our neighbor, Bob, and his wife, daughter, and some friends of theirs who work at their English school. He wanted to introduce us to a local food called "Okonomiyaki", or Japanese pizza. As you can see from the photos we REALLY enjoyed the food. They begin by preparing your "pizza" of eggs and meats and veggies on a burner in front of the chef... they then transfer it to a burner that is set in to your table. This was so much fun and soooo delicious. I wonder why they haven't created a food like this in the states. Maybe too much of a liability??
Lastly, I want to report that I am a working woman. I had an interview last Friday for a teaching position, and just learned today that I was hired for part-time work. Today, I attended another interview in Osaka (a crazy hour train web). The photo is me in my "business attire:)). I felt like I aced the interview and was totally relaxed. Besides some rather vicious blisters on my feet from all the walking to and from the trains, I feel good that soon I will be working part of my days as an English language instructor!
Currently, Ray is with a few of his teammates doing a live T.V. show!!! Crazy, huh? I think I will turn on the tube and see if I can find him!!
Love to all!!