Though very tardy on posting any blogs, I certainly have much to say about this wonderful Fall season. It has been wonderful being home in the States to take in so many seasonal treats, primarily centered around harvest. This year, we had several opportunities to press apples. As always, our kiddos were in apple heaven, as their favorite snack is a whole apple...
Pressing Party #1: Salem, Oregon
My dear friends Ben and Amy invited me up to Salem for the day. Though bummed Ray had to work, the kiddos and I had a delightful time meeting new friends and reminiscing with the old. Enough apples were eaten to last a lifetime, and we shared a beautiful day on a gorgeous farm doing what we love...

Cider Press Party #2
Annually, our friend Derek throws a cider pressing party, and this year he asked if our property could be used for such a gala. Of course! A lovely day had by all...
Our little cozy cottage...