Well, we are here: Cartagena, Colombia, South America.... right on the Caribbean Sea. We will be here through November for Ray to play a short season with the Cartagena Cangrejeros (the Crabs). We are happy to be here, primarily because its a short and sweet season, but also because I have the opportunity to speak Spanish and get reacquainted with a culture that I have loved for so long...
We've been here for about a week now and today is the first day I haven't been laid out- SICK! Not because of anything here, but the beginning of this pregnancy has had me sick all day, unable to eat or drink anything! Thank goodness, we were able to get some friendly medications that today have finally allowed me an appetite and to hold down food. Miracle drug!!
Below is the American coach, James and his wife, Sandra. James first came to Colombia with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, so his heart is for the people and primarily providing opportunities for the young men. His wife is native Colombian, but she is a God-send. She's a dentist here, but also 2 1/2 months preggers, so we share that in common!!
The water is like a bath- probably the warmest I've ever felt. Ray and I went swimming tonight and the water was warmer than the air!! Despite the vendors that harass you constantly, this is paradise!